Student Responsibilities

At Harvills Hawthorn Primary School, we value the importance of developing our children into active citizens. Therefore, we have designed specific opportunities for them to take on leadership roles, allowing them to contribute positively to our school community.

Some of these responsibilities are decided democratically by way of the children voting, some are decided on by the staff, while others are applied for by the children through completing an application form.

These opportunities aim to encourage our children to:

• Develop confidence and recognise their different abilities

• Prepare them to play an active role as citizens

• To have a “voice” and to share their opinions and ideas with others

Head Boy and Head Girl

Elected by their peers, the Head Boy and Head Girl are the role models of our school. They are responsible for supporting the leadership team and providing support for the younger children in the dining hall at lunchtime. The Head Boy and Head Girl welcome visitors to our school before taking them on a guided tour.

House Captain

Year 6 children are elected by their peers to hold the position of House Captain. We have 4 houses: Eagles, Hawks, Ospreys and Falcons. House Captains are role models for the children throughout the school. They collect our school house points each week and play an active role in whole school assemblies. In addition, House Captains play an integral role in ensure sports day runs efficiently.


Year 6 prefects provide role models for the children throughout the school. They deliver fruit to the classrooms and support children in the dining hall at lunchtimes.

Play Leader

Play Leaders are a group Year 6 children who have been trained to organise activities for younger children on the playground. They encourage children to join in games and to extend their friendships.


Year 6 librarians ensure that our school library is well-organised and easily accessible to all. They recommend books to other children in school. In addition, they hold weekly story time sessions with the children in Reception, Year 1 and in Tree Tops.

School Councillor

Elections for our school council take place at the start of each academic year. Candidates put forward their election speeches and classes elect a councillor from each class from Year One up to Year Six. School councillors meet regularly to act as representatives of their classmates in discussing school issues with staff. They are actively involved in working alongside the PTA to organise fundraising events throughout the year.

Class Ambassador

Class Ambassadors support the teacher in the day-to-day running of the class. They ensure standards are high, that children demonstrate the correct learning behaviours and create a positive learning climate. Class ambassadors greet visitors to the classroom and talk to them about the learning.

Eco Councillor

Our Eco-Council is a group of children representatives from each class from Year One to Year Six. They meet on a regular basis to ensure we are working as a community to promote ourselves as an eco-friendly school. The eco-council are focussing on reducing waste, the amount of litter around school, reducing the amount of energy used and developing our school grounds.